Tranmere and
Clarence Plains
Land and Coast Care

Projects and Activities Archive
25 Years of Landcare in Tasmania
LANDCARE groups from Clarence and nearby areas gathered at Rosny Barn in early July as part of celebrations marking the 25th anniversary of Landcare Tasmania. Forty people came along to hear about the 25-year history of Landcare in Clarence.
Speakers from local Landcare groups shared their group histories, the issues they have worked to address, their challenges and future.
Our very own Phil Anstie gave a very informative presentation on the history of the group and the projects it is most proud of. You can view the presentation notes and slides. You can also read the full article in the Eastern Shore Sun.

Buckland Bushland Gardens
On Thursday 6 June 2019 we visited the Buckland Bushland Gardens and were impressed by the amount of sheer hard work and dedication that would have been required to produce such a fine exhibit of our native flora.
The gardens have provided us with some more inspiration to continue our work in Tranmere and Clarence Plains.
The day was enjoyed by all who attended.

Clarence Plains Saltmarsh
On Thursday 7 June 2018 Mayor of Clarence Doug Chipman launched a new orientation sign for the Clarence Plains Saltmarsh.
The TACPLACI landcare group took an interest in the saltmarsh about 20 years ago when it undertook a catchment management plan of the Clarence Plains area. This saltmarsh is at the mouth of the Clarence Plains Rivulet which is the principal drainage for the catchment.
Then, as it still is now, the land comprising the saltmarsh was privately owned, and at that time with a different owner of each side of the rivulet.
About 10 years ago, Dr Robert Howie purchased both sides of the saltmarsh. He immediately engaged with the landcare group and since that time the group has worked on the saltmarsh undertaking projects such as fencing, signage, planting and a tyre clean-up in conjunction with the Tasmanian Conservation Trust.
NRM South provided grants for some of these projects as indeed it did with the interpretive sign.
The previous convenor of the group, Wendy Andrew, made the application for the grant and commenced the design for the sign. After Wendy left Tasmania for health reasons, Ruth Osborne of NRM South, assisted the group which resulted in the hiring of Michael Helman who designed the sign along similar lines to signs for other saltmarshes in the area.
The major feature of the sign is an interpretive cross-section diagram of the saltmarsh.
It features a ‘snapshot’ of some species found in the area, including fish, insects, crabs, plants and birds. There is also a photo of a masked lapwing chick camouflaged in pigface taken by Ruth Osborne very close to where the sign is situated.
The text on the sign establishes the value and the functions of the saltmarsh. It also indicate threats to the saltmarsh and what one can do to help protect the area (Join the local landcare group).

History Cruise
Over 100 people boarded the vessel ‘Spirit of Hobart’ for a two and a half hour cruise along the eastern shore of the Derwent River on 22 April 2018. Fine weather prevailed and allowed the locals to see their particular neighbourhood from out on the river. The commentary highlighted the historical significance of sites along the coastline and recalled stories of times gone past. This event was held in conjunction with the Bellerive Historical Society for the 2018 Australian Heritage Festival.

International Harmony Day
The CVA partnered with TACPLACI to conduct a Landcare activity at Casuarina Reserve attended by 35 members of Hobart's migrant community. The group worked very well together and made significant progress in maintaining this little jewel in the Tranmere area.

Droughty Point Walk 11 March 2018
On Sunday 11 March, members walked to Droughty Point to inspect some historical remnants of the area, accompanied by local historian David Bloomfield and landowner David Carr. The walk was a useful activity for the planning of the Historical Cruise scheduled for April.

Two members of the Chipman family were buried here Christmas 1940.