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Rokeby Aflame

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More information 

The Mayor of Rokeby


Pat Connor in the mid-twentieth century was sometimes referred to as the Mayor of Rokeby. He was son-in-law to the blacksmith, Ernie Free, and was the farm manager at the nearby 'Rokeby House' estate. He was also heavily involved at the Rokeby Cricket Club. His home was opposite 'Bayview' on the eastern side of Princes Buildings Parade. 

During the 1967 bushfires, Jac van Dongen recalled:

"the fire was heading for Pat Connor’s house. The noise had woken Pat from his afternoon nap, and as soon as he opened the front door, the small weatherboard cottage seemed to explode. It took no more than five minutes before it was completely destroyed. We took Mr Connor to our house – he was totally distraught, and we put him under the carport with an elderly neighbour who was in a similar condition."

Links to more information on other websites


Stories of the ‘67 bushfires

Shaping the plains - The 1967 Blaze

Maurice Connor - 'a young fella' growing up in Rokeby 90 years ago

Directions to next sign

Proceed along King Street, then left into Knopwood Street until you arrive at Percy Park.  The Percys Legacy sign is located towards South Arm Road. 

Image credits: Maurice Connor, unknown

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